Consulting Services

Medical Practices and Healthcare organizations are dealing with unprecedented changes to their basic business models. Increased regulations and depressed revenues are putting a severe strain on physicians' earnings.
At Constellation Healthcare Technologies, we provide the consulting expertise to help medical practices and healthcare organizations enhance their operational efficiencies by streamlining and automating internal processes. Our consultants help to increase the time physicians spend with patients and reduce the non-value added time dealing with operational and regulatory matters maximizing revenue and minimizing costs.
Client Challenges
- Managing a changing business model: Shifting to a patient-centric healthcare system
- Coping with regulatory pressures for cost containment and alignment of incentives
- Handling digitized data from multiple sources, leading to a data explosion
- Implementing reforms to provide greater emphasis on wellness management and preventive care
What Constellation Healthcare Technologies Provides
At Constellation Healthcare Technologies, we have the experience, expertise and capabilities to help you realize greater profits while maintaining or improving the quality of patient care. Our full service offerings include everything from IT services, to business process outsourcing. consulting and infrastructure services. Some of our focus areas include the following :
- Practice analysis & assessment
- Process optimization & automation
- M&A and practice expansion planning
- Strategic process outsourcing
- Compliance
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Practice Analysis & AssessmentThe Constellation Healthcare Technologies practice analysis and assessment service can be tailored to your needs. Our expert medical practice consultants are prepared to address all of the following components of the practice:
- Office management and patient processing optimization
- Optimizing and automating EHR usage
- Revenue cycle management and cash flow optimization
- Productivity management and optimization
- Technology review
- Compliance and security assurance
- Staff and physician training for coding and billing to maximize revenue
What can a Medical Practice Assessment Reveal about Your Business?
Having a qualified third party assess all or part of your medical practice can uncover a host of missed opportunities, and needless exposure to liabilities. It can also provide some strategic direction for your business as you grapple with the many reimbursement, regulatory and market pressures that confront today's practitioners.Our assessments provide world class solutions to questions like...
- Am I documenting my procedures properly to ensure maximum charges for each patient encounter?
- Are my collections in line those delivered by industry best practices?
- What are the most profitable services that I provide? How can I improve profitability on all of my services?
- Are my labor costs too high? How can I reduce my costs, and increase the quality of my patient care?
- How do I measure and improve staff productivity?
Our Medical Practice Assessments can be focused on specific areas of your operations, such documentation, coding, billing and collections. Or it can be an all-encompassing "top-to-bottom" review of your business's financial, human resource and administrative activities.
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Process Optimization & AutomationOur consultants will work with you to integrate disparate technologies to eliminate duplicate data entry, eliminate redundant data collection, and reduce the cycle time from patient service to full payment collection.
We focus on meaningful use and physician quality reporting system (PQRS) so that each physician is able to maximize the incentive compensation that they are eligible to receive.
Constellation Healthcare Technologies' Practice Strategy Center of Excellence provides templates and accelerators along with world class best practices to ensure that every engagement results the practice achieving the best financial and operational results possible. Our consultants carefully select the industry best practices that apply to your practice, they do not use a one size fits all approach to process optimization.
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M&A and Practice Expansion PlanningConstellation Healthcare Technologies has experienced dramatic growth by balancing strategic acquisitions and strong organic growth. We leverage our dynamic growth strategies and transition/consolidation planning experience to assist you in achieving your growth objectives.
We guide you through a structured due diligence process to ensure that the targeted acquisition truly meets the expectations outlined in the growth strategy. We assist you with a transition plan designed to deliver the benefits that are derived from the synergies provided by the merger or acquisition. Finally we will help you execute the transition plan and ensure that the benefits that were promised are actually realized within budget. Our transition planning includes IT systems integration and operations/process consolidation designed to leverage the best systems and processes from your existing practice and those of the targeted organization.
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Strategic Process OutsourcingConstellation Healthcare Technologies is an expert at Business Process Outsourcing. Our billing companies are strategic partners with their clients. We provide guidance, planning, and support for your practice as you transition low value added functions from expensive and un-reliable in-house resources to professional low cost external resources. We assist in all aspects of the outsourcing process from opportunity identification, to creation of Requests for Proposals RFPs, to vendor evaluation and selection, to transition planning and execution. We assist you with strategies to transition internal staff members to external staffing and provide you with the guidance you need to ensure that your outsourcing agreement will minimize your risks and deliver the high quality support you envision and require at a cost that enhances your bottom line.
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ComplianceThe challenge is here. Implementing healthcare reform measures will impact every aspect of your operations. HIPAA-compliant electronic transactions are only one of many readiness considerations. Every system, interface or vendor application will need to be evaluated and adapted - including financial reporting, quality, disease/case management systems, management and operational reporting, even provider contracts - the list is long. It will take time and knowledgeable healthcare IT professionals.
The healthcare technology experts at Constellation Healthcare Technologies are prepared to lead you through this challenge. Assertive regulation of healthcare by the states and the federal government is the new norm. This greater focus has been the source of numerous improvement programs, collectively referred to as Healthcare Reform, addressing the many areas that comprise healthcare delivery and consumption in this country. A key enabling element underlying these programs is technology. And not just the technology introduced by a provider or health plan into their organizations, but the ubiquity of it now within the general population with the explosion of smart phones and tablets.
To help your organization to live and thrive in such a demanding and chaotic environment, Constellation Healthcare Technologies has teams of experienced healthcare and technology delivery experts available to help your organization navigate the many challenges and opportunities of complying and driving value through those efforts.